Our New Book - Out on May 1st 2024
By Peter Knight and Sue Wallace
Published by Stone Seeker. May 2024. ISBN: 978-0-9560342-8-1216pp. Full colour. £18.50.
This book traces the story of shamanism, from Ice Age cave art to today’s indigenous cultures. It follows the long history of people’s deep connections with landscapes and the spirit that imbues everything. Rock art, contacting the ancestors, altered states, mythologies, totem animals and more are explored.
Into this magical story, Sue and Peter weave their own questings, as they sought truths about what our ancestors believed, how they walked the songlines, dreamed the land, and experienced the power of place. The study of prehistoric cosmologies, shamanism and indigenous spirituality offers sustainable alternatives in these challenging times.
Sue and Pete also suggest ways of how to see the land through ‘ancient eyes’, how to ‘sing the land’, and to mindfully experience sacred places and the Earth Spirit, as our ancestors once did, and as many indigenous people still do today.
Please enquire which titles are in print and available directly from us.
By Peter Knight and Sue Wallace
Published Nov. 20th 2020. Limited first edition. 288pp. £17.50. Hundreds of colour images. 53 articles.
Signed copies direct from Stone Seeker.
This inspiring, timely and eclectic anthology brings together over 50 ‘Wisdom Keepers’, who share their expertise, passion and timely messages about our planet and sacred sites, and how we can live more profound and sustainable lives. Many of the essays were written during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, and suggest ways we can move forward to a new and more hopeful future.
Subjects include earth mysteries, connecting with nature, mythical landscapes, the Goddess, shamanism, earth energies and dowsing, ancient and indigenous wisdom, sacred sites, pilgrimage, crop circles, sacred sound, geopolitics, rewilding, environmentalism and more.
This is a collaborative endeavour between some of Britain’s top authors and leading lights in their field, including Caitlin Matthews, Paul Devereux, Kathy Jones, Leo Rutherford, Philip Carr-Gomm, Palden Jenkins, George Monbiot, Lucy Pringle, David Furlong, Gary Biltcliffe, Nicholas Mann, Hugh Newman, Peter Knight and many more. As well as inspiring essays, the book includes poetry, quotes and hundreds of full colour images, all offering ways to help you ... Sense the Earth.
By Peter Knight and Sue Wallace
Published Midsummer 2019 by Stone Seeker Publishing
Sue and Peter’s new book (in full colour) is about their journeying and experiences of 100 of Britain’s magical, natural sacred places. Across England and Wales, Scotland and Isle of Man, they chanted, drummed, meditated and re-enchanted these ancient sacred sites, which include waterfalls, fairy glens, rocking stones, ancient forests, caves and sacred rock outcrops. They suggest that it was at such sacred places as these that Albion’s earliest visitors and inhabitants went to contact the spirit of the land and their ancestors. Sue and Peter were gifted insights and poetry at these numinous places, and they both advocate that we all need to visit and revere such precious places again, in these challenging times. The book is illustrated with stunning and evocative images, reflecting their journey and the presence of the spirits of those places.
Please join our Facebook group for Albion Dreamtime
Albion Dreamtime is available to buy on Amazon.co.uk.
Published by Stone Seeker Publishing, Publication date: Oct 2, 2016. Full colour format. 224pp. £16.99.
"Vigorous and informed piece of work – heartiest congratulations"
Martin Shaw (Poet, Dartmoor)
"Well written, thoroughly researched and intelligently considered, with good photographs and map locations. The best guide to this area"
Martin Gray, in ‘Sacred Earth’ (USA)
"Five Stars - Best Buy"
Dartmoor News
"I have read your book and have thoroughly enjoyed it - it is
refreshing, full of energy and the product of much worthwhile
observation and reading. Hopefully, it will become the base text for
those wishing to expand their vision of prehistoric Dartmoor"
Tom Greeves, Chairman, The Dartmoor Society
This groundbreaking book covers the author's research, including profound personal experiences, based on ‘cognitive archaeology’. He uncovers the intricate relationships between tor outcrops and other natural features, with stone circles, stone rows, cairns and megaliths. This book insightfully proposes how our prehistoric ancestors interacted with notable outcrops, simulacra, rock basins and propped stones; the author gets inside the minds of prehistoric people and their shamans, to walk their Dreamtime. We are invited to perceive landscapes as interfaces, saturated with cultural and mythic memory. Peter suggests ways to walk and interact with the landscape in a more meaningful and mindful way today, to develop deeper connections with the sacred and ancient mindscapes of Dartmoor.
The book also covers earth energies and dowsing, shamanism, acoustics, astronomical and landscape alignments, and much more!
This is the author's 11th book exploring sacred sites and indigenous, ancient wisdom.
"Peter is earth mysteries' most prolific author-publisher"
Andrew Collins
Signed copies are available direct from Peter, or via good bookshops, and on Amazon.co.uk after publication date.
Peter's new book out 6th of May 2015
Contact Peter Knight to reserve your signed copy NOW! Only £16.99 plus £2 postage
Peter's new book is a full-colour and profusely-illustrated guide to how the Church adopted and assimilated pre-Christian myths and symbols for its own use, to help promote its own agenda. Most Christian icons can be traced back to an older origin, and many churches were also sited on ancient holy places. The Church also took over existing Pagan festivals and turned them into saint's days. This fascinating book links Egyptian, Norse, Greek, Celtic and other cultures to the new religion - you will be suprised at what you find!
By Peter Knight and Sue Wallace
Published by Stone Seeker Publishing. (Signed copies direct from the authors)
This handbook is essential for anyone wishing to explore the secret byways and beautiful countryside in and around Calne, Wiltshire, as well as learning more of it's history. More than this, the informative walks connect Calne to some of the most famous ancient sites of Britain, such as Avebury, Silbury Hill and West Kennet Long Barrow, showing how this small historical town is ideally placed to explore North Wiltshire. This lavishly illustrated guide offers walks of various lengths, easy to follow maps, bus links and caters for all levels of walking ability. A5 format. 185pp. Index.
£11.99 Signed copies direct from author – add £1.75 postage.
"Peter is earth mysteries' most prolific author-publisher"
Andrew Collins
"A brilliant book"
Janis Martin
"A great read and brilliantly researched. Well done!"
Gary Biltcliffe, co-author The Spine of Albion
A groundbreaking work which finally demonstrates what the Giant represents, why he is positioned where he is on the landscape, and how he reflects not only the myths of the Ancients but also the heavens above. The Giant is connected with Lugh, Baal, Osiris, Bran, Hercules, Gwyn ap Nudd, and with the constellation Orion and a mythical Egyptian Stargate. The book also deals with landscape alignments and how the Giant is so perfectly positioned standing where he is; how the Giant was changed in appearance; ley lines; phallicism and fertility folklore; groundbreaking astronomical alignments; a local landscape horse and other hill figures; giants in folklore and myth; other local sacred sites and megaliths; all the possible candidates for the Giant’s identity; and finally, how he can be an icon for today.
"The Cerne Giant: Landscape, Gods and the Stargate" is the latest book from the earth mysteries' most prolific author-publisher Peter Knight. It examines the world-famous chalk hill figure and pinpoints its astronomical connections with the local horizon. In addition to Orion, the giant's chosen identity, the hill figure's ritual landscape seems aligned quite specifically to Cygnus and the Milky Way's Dark Rift, which acted as a road or path to the sky-world. Peter has got these books off to a fine art now, and it comes well recommended from this camp."
Andrew Collins
Landscape, Shamans and the Cosmos
£12.99 Signed copies direct from author – add £1.75 Postage.
“Fab work on the long barrow.. really is a handbook on how to access other sites.”
Chris Street
“It is excellent… plenty of new stuff”
Andrew Collins
“A comprehensive study and an enjoyable read… recommended”
Merry Meet Magazine
“An amazing book - thank you. So much information. Many blessings."
Julie Winter
“A timely work, in its all-embracing approach”
Geoff Ward, Mysterious Planet
“Contains much knowledge and good advice. In my opinion the book is a good marriage of intellectual and emotional wisdom… I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.”
Michael Hodges, Historian
Peter’s book is the most comprehensive and all-encompassing guide ever undertaken on West Kennet Long Barrow, and its surrounding landscape, including such sites as Silbury Hill and East Kennet Long Barrow (see chapter headings below). He looks at all aspects of this Neolithic wonder, from sacred sound and his acoustical experiments, to the psychic and paranormal, from landscape alignments to his solar, lunar and stellar astronomical discoveries, and from symbolism to earth energies/dowsing. He deals in details with the shamanic aspects, and how we can interact with, and care for, the monument today. Peter also re-appraises the archaeological excavations and surveys of the site, bringing its shamanic aspects to the fore. The site was sacred to Neolithic clan members thousands of years ago, but can we use their knowledge and wisdom today?
Peter has spent many hours up at the barrow, inside its dark chambers to test the acoustics of the site through drumming and chanting, as well as to meditate to connect with his ancestors. Outside, he has demonstrated how the sun rises over other nearby sites at the festivals, and has some stunning images of these in the book. The sun even penetrates some of the chambers, such as the SE chamber at summer solstice. He also illustrates how Orion, Sirius and other stars were aligned with the barrow and its chambers. The Neolithic shamans here were connected with the heavens as much as they were the land. The site was never just a tomb, and is very much ‘open for business’ today!
Peter suggests that West Kennet long barrow can help us all create a closer, more spiritual link with the landscape we inhabit. Peter walked the landscape around West Kennet, to connect and sense what the landscape wanted him to know – his results will surprise you! Peter’s book is a labour of love, as his love and respect for the site comes out, as well as how we can all visit the dark recesses of the chambers as an aid to perhaps reaching into the dark recesses of our own inner nature. His own profound, personal experiences at the site are highlighted, along with those of others: the site is very much receptive to our interaction today.
Conversations With The Goddess
£9.99 Signed copies direct from author – add £1.75 postage.
"A font of wisdom and knowledge… fascinating from beginning to end”
Diana Cooper (Cygnus Review)
"Bought your book 13 Moons. I am in awe of it and want to share the knowledge. I'd also like to get a half dozen of the books to share with others here in the US. It has had a profound affect on my spiritual path, I want to spread the joy!"
Cathy Prettyman, USA
"Once in a blue moon, a special book like Peter Knight’s comes along…”
Geoff Ward, author of Spirals – Patterns of Existence
"No sooner had I left the shop and settled on the grass by the Devils Chair (Avebury) my nose was glued…. page after page, you know that feeling you get when its going to be a good read… Thirteen Moons has opened my mind and soul. I understand it was YOUR pilgrimage with the earth mother, but the more I read the more I felt I was with you on your journey.”
Mandi (Hampshire)
If you were out one night in a ruined church, how would you react if your head were suddenly filled with an elder voice professing to be the Earth Goddess? This happened to our hero, just an ordinary chap really, on a somewhat disillusioned spiritual path. His world was turned inside out. Through him the Earth Mother has revealed profound insights on how to interact with the land and sacred sites. He is shown such secrets as the meaning of the Grail, Mary Magdalene, crop circles, sacred sites, ley lines, earth energies, sacred geometry, to help us reconnect with the Earth and learn what the human experience is really about. Visions, dreams and synchronicities guide him to receive ancient wisdom at Rosslyn Chapel and Temple Church (two Da Vinci Code localities), Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury, the New Forest, as well as Ireland, Brittany and Dartmoor, including spectacular visions from the top of the London Eye. Along the way he meets his totem animals, converses with the Oak King and others who revere the Goddess. However, he also encounters opposition to the new teachings, from those who hold more orthodox beliefs. His astonishing journey reveals profound messages for Mankind, including 13 Insights - before it’s too late!
Incredibly, Thirteen Moons is semi-autobiographical, as Peter Knight draws upon his own research and knowledge of our spiritual heritage. Much of Peter’s own spiritual journey unfolded whilst researching Thirteen Moons, mirroring his own simultaneous growth. He retells, through the hero’s exploits, many of his own discoveries and profound experiences at sacred sites. The novel is refreshingly laced with the author’s caustic humour and strewn with amusing anecdotes, including his own take on religion and personal growth.
“Wow! What a read! Peter and Toni's beautifully written and presented book brings our native landscape to life with new meaning, while revealing its sacred geometry. The book is meticulously researched, with many photos and fascinating histories of the many ancient Earth sites, churches, and holy springs which form the Wessex Astrum. The book is a tribute to the wisdom of ancient beings who possessed infinitely more knowledge of the Earth than we appear to have today. Let us honour those ancestors and learn from them, for by so doing we become worthy of our place on this beautiful planet. This book can help us to do that. I look forward to many exciting sunny days of discovery and exploration of the fascinating places described in The Wessex Astrum.”
Diane Rigby-Edwards
“The hypothesis is well constructed and well explained …a fine book following the true tradition of Earth Mysteries … Get it – use it.”
Alan Bowers, Editor, Society of Ley Hunters Newsletter
“For anyone interested in sacred landscape, this book is an essential and inspiring guide…… there is a deep mystery at work here, full of synchronicity and unfoldings…… far too much information to be absorbed in a single read…… highly recommended!”
Mike Jones, The Oracle magazine, Nov 08
“I have greatly enjoyed The Wessex Astrum. It is a most interesting addition to our knowledge and could lead on to further discoveries… … Well done for a really valuable book and an enjoyable read”.
Michael A Hodges (ley lines researcher and author of Here Be Dragons)
“An absolute must for all dowsers!”
Dowsing Today – British Society of Dowsers magazine
This remarkable book has already received praise from Peter and Toni’s peers and fellow researchers. It presents their astounding new discovery of an ancient hexagram Y over 50 miles long, encoded onto the Wessex landscape, involving the “big three” -Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury. Two of its defining lines are the famous St Michael Line (the section between Glastonbury and Avebury) and one of the “Bluestones Triangle” lines, involving Stonehenge and the Preseli Mountains, described by Robin Heath. Also involved are numerous sacred hills, abbeys, holy springs and wells, Knights Templar sites, hill forts, ancient tombs and many other sacred places. No other landscape figure has before linked Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Avebury, the St Michael Line and the Bluestones Triangle – the Wessex Astrum links all these elements and more! In fact, the only truly accurate section of the St Michael Line is the section that lies within the Wessex Astrum – so which came first!
This book will astound you, as over 500 miles of alignments forming this incredible landscape wonder are detailed; Peter Knight and Toni Perrott tell their own their personal journey of discovery, as each chapter follows each line in turn, uncovering new revelations; they travelled up and down each of the lines - new megaliths were discovered, energy flows dowsed, secret symbolism decoded, images of a very pregnant Mary Magdalene and much more: Sacred geometry, holy caves, Knights Templar and Freemasonic sites, were found on the St Michael Line, plus dragon symbolism in churches. Incredibly, several hexagram crop formations of recent years had manifest on Astrum lines, and three of Wiltshire’s white horses gallop along the lines of this landscape wonder.
The book is profusely illustrated with images and original maps are also given, enabling the reader to follow the lines across the landscape and grid references of sites given throughout; this is in fact the priority of the authors, that the reader should follow in their footsteps, to discover a landscape of magic and wonder, and ancient landscape of our distant ancestors.
“Well, I live in Dorset and I didn’t know one tenth of the sites that Peter has catalogued in this fascinating labour of love. Designed as a book to be used `in the field`, Ancient Stones Of Dorset covers its subject in painstaking detail from obvious sites such as The Nine Stones near Dorchester, to old reports of stones now long vanished. With much folklore included, and many a ley line, this is a Neolithic winner!”
Andrew Trowbridge, Dorset
“It is the most comprehensive survey of its type ever accomplished for Dorset’s sacred stone sites …… This is a necessary book for the megalithic enthusiast and a good buy at the price… Peter Knight has worked hard on his task, delivering a very presentable volume incorporating much original research”.
Dr Terence Meaden, author and archaeologist
“What a wonderful reference and it makes learning to dowse in Dorset so much more fun and accessible”
P Haywood, Blandford, Dorset
“Congratulations on your books Ancient Stones of Dorset and Sacred Dorset. They are fascinating, very readable and difficult to put down. We are now eager to visit sites again and look more closely due to greater awareness. Thank you for that.”
Tricia and Gerry Byrne, Poole, Dorset
(Co-written with Mike Power)
Newly envisioned day-long pilgrimages across Dorset. Includes sections on the mind-set of pilgrimages, what to take, how to approach them and more. Sacred sites, such as churches, stone circles, burial mounds and wells, are all visited en route.
Pocket-sized, can be taken out on the actual pilgrimage walks.
“The content is incredible… cover to cover filled with interesting sketches and vignettes… there is a feel that Peter has let you in on some secrets of which few people know”.
Steve Hawker, Dorset
On the Path of the Dragon
“This richly illustrated book is a comprehensive guide to the ancient and sacred landscape of Dorset”
Prediction Magazine
“Archaeological sits happily alongside information obtained by dowsers …… There is something in it for everybody …it really is a must!”
“The book is a relaxed but informative read, balanced with information, anecdotes and personal observations … a fascinating journey into a hitherto unknown history of the area”.
Daily Echo
“I have just read your book Sacred Dorset, which I really enjoyed. I have recently moved to the area and your book has inspired me to visit many sites you mention.”
Caroline Blake, Osmington, Dorset
“Congratulations on your books Ancient Stones of Dorset and Sacred Dorset. They are fascinating, very readable and difficult to put down. We are now eager to visit sites again and look more closely due to greater awareness. Thank you for that.”
Tricia and Gerry Byrne, Poole, Dorset
£7.99 By Graham Walker and Peter Knight (Featuring Sue Wallace and Sandy Walker)
Shaman’s Return is music and chanting (with narration) recorded LIVE inside the Neolithic chambers of West Kennet Long Barrow, complimenting Peter’s book, and the result of his work on the acoustic properties of the chambers. Using flutes, drums, Tibetan bowls, and the human voice, the listener is given an audio experience mirroring the shaman’s journeys here thousands of years ago. Has both quiet tracks (for meditation) and shamanic drumming (for journeying) It also includes two sections of narration, taken from Peter’s novel, Thirteen Moons: Conversations with the Goddess.
“This is so obviously a labour of love, a massive reference work, with beautiful illustrations, and with hyper-links to enable quick movement throughout the whole work… Peter’s love for, and amazing empathy with EM, really shines throughout. The 95 A-Z categories are more than sufficient to cover all aspects of EM, they are well researched and written in a very easy to understand style… I have really enjoyed this Encyclopaedia … on a cold wet day, make yourself a hot drink, get comfortable in front of the PC and let this guide really open your mind… thanks Peter I just love it.”
Malcolm Osborn (reviewing for Andy Burnham, megalithic.co.uk)
“A very good and comprehensive CD-R”
Cheryl Straffon, author/researcher: www.meynmamvro.co.uk
95 categories in A-Z format, from Avebury to Acoustics, from Dowsing to Dolmens, from Ley Lines to Liminality, Stonehenge to Serpents, and Earth Energies to Entoptics. Hundreds of hyperlinks, plus places to visit, maps, resources, and much more…
The CD Rom is user friendly, photo-packed and packed with illustrations. It should be used as a website – with hundreds of hyperlinks to take you anywhere on the massive site within seconds. The work has been a labour of love, the culmination of Peter’s own findings over 15 years, as well as a pulling together of the latest research by other authors, such as Paul Devereux, David Elkington, Graham Hancock, John Michell, Terence Meaden, Julian Cope, Danny Sullivan, Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller, as well as several academics. Many of the stunning images come from these accredited researchers.
Gavrinis in Brittany
£9.99 Filmed by Nautilus AV.
This 1¼ hr long DVD was filmed at the 2009 Convention of Alternative Archaeology and Earth Mysteries. It features Peter discussing and showing images of chambered tombs and dolmens from such places as Sardinia, Malta, Brittany, Ireland and Portugal. He demonstrates both the similarities and the variations in design of the different areas, as well as the multi-functional and experiential aspects of these ancients sites. Signed copies direct from Peter.
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