Please note that Sue and Pete are also available for private group tours of Avebury, Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor, and to talk at local groups in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset.

2025 Events – so far! Watch this space for more events to be added soon.

Although all our events are risk-assessed and we take all necessary care for your safety, we do not accept any responsibility for any personal accidents, injuries, or loss of possessions whilst on our events, or journeying to and from them.

Next Event - Morning Gathering for the Partial Solar Eclipse

Saturday 29th March 2025

Merrivale megalithic complex, Dartmoor. Shamanic connecting, gentle drumming and dowsing during the eclipse, and celebrating the partial eclipse (maximum at 10.38am – 34% of sun obscured by the moon). Followed by picnic in the stone circle. Free. Enquire for details.

Talk: Landscapes of Memory – Questing in the Footsteps of our Ancestors

Saturday 12th April 2025

At the Slimbridge Dowsers. 10.30am, Whitminster Vilage Hall, Gloucs, GL2 7NT. Non-members welcome. Small fee. Peter and Sue give an inspiring powerpoint presentation about their latest book of the same name. They present a blend of the latest research into megaliths, Ice Age cave art, indigenous rock art, the spirituality of our prehistoric ancestors and sacred landscapes. They will speak about connecting with the land on a deeper level, along with their own experiences over nearly 30 years of travelling around the world researching ancient wisdom and sacred places. Their journey will take you all over the UK, as well as Ireland, Greece, Malta, Menorca, Portugal and Brittany. Hear of their magical experiences and wisdom they have been gifted at such sacred places. The talk will end with earth-healing chants and drumming.

Dowsing the Merrivale Megalithic Complex, Dartmoor

Sunday 18th May 2025

An afternoon of dowsing the energies that course across the landscape, along the stone rows and at the stone circle. No experience necessary. Dowsing rods provided. Will include some gentle drumming and chanting in meditation to finish. Only £10.

Dartmoor Mindscapes Weekend (1) - North Dartmoor

Saturday 7th June and Sunday 8th June 2025

New sites this weekend! The first of three magical weekends on Dartmoor with Pete and Sue, based on Peter’s book, Dartmoor Mindscapes and Sue and Pete’s book, Albion Dreamtime. Two days of mindfully walking the stunning landscape of north Dartmoor, and connecting with the energies and ancestors of the moor, interacting with sacred sites such as stone circles and an amazing triple stone row/avenue, burial cairns, plus stunning waterfall – includes places not included on our tours before. Meditations, drumming, chanting, dowsing, silent walking. Able walkers only please. Advance booking only (these events are usually fully-booked!). £50 for the weekend, or £25 if just one day (enquire for itinerary). See also our other Dartmoor weekends on July 5-6 and Sept 6-7 (different places visited each weekend). Contact us to book.

Dartmoor Mindscapes Weekend (2) – West Dartmoor

Saturday 5th July and Sunday 6th July 2025

New sites this weekend! The second of three magical weekends on Dartmoor with Pete and Sue, based on Peter’s book, Dartmoor Mindscapes and Sue and Pete’s book, Albion Dreamtime. Two days of mindfully walking the stunning landscape of megalithic sites, and connecting with the energies and ancestors of the moor, visiting granite tors, interacting with sacred sites such as two stone circles and a stone row not visited on our weekends before. Includes meditations, drumming, chanting, dowsing, silent walking, and an evening event to experience sunset. Able walkers only. Advance booking (these events are often fully-booked!). £50 for weekend, or £25 if just one day (enquire for itinerary). See our other Dartmoor weekends on June 7-8 and Sept 6-7 (different places each time). Contact us to book.

Book-signing at the Glastonbury Symposium

Friday 25 th July to Sunday 27 th July 2025

Come and say hello at our stand. Check out the line-up of this fabulous annual conference. For

Full moon Evening Gathering on Dartmoor

Saturday 9th August 2025

Meeting place to be announced. Includes moonrise ceremony, gentle drumming and chanting. Free event. Bring a drum, rattle and a free spirit!

Dartmoor Walking Festival

Saturday 30th August to Friday 5th September 2025

Pete and Sue will be leading two mindful walks as part of this charity fundraising festival. Walk dates to be finalised. One will be a gentle, interactive morning around the Merrivale landscape, visiting Over Tor, the stone rows, a stone circle, megaliths and kists, which will include dowsing, chants and gentle shamanic drumming. Only £5 (or more by optional donation) for this half-day walk. The second event will be a 3 mile afternoon walk to the magnificent Drizzlecombe stone rows, with its tall megaliths, and will include dowsing, chants, shamanic drumming. Only £5 (or more by optional donation). All proceeds from these walks go to Devon Air Ambulance. Contact us to book.

Dartmoor Mindscapes Weekend (3) - Central Dartmoor

Saturday 6th September and Sunday 7th September 2025

Mostly new sites for these weekends. The third of three magical weekends on Dartmoor with Pete and Sue, based on Peter’s book, Dartmoor Mindscapes and Sue and Pete’s book, Albion Dreamtime. Two days of mindfully walking the stunning landscape of megalithic sites, and connecting with the energies and ancestors of the moor, visiting granite tors, interacting with sacred sites such as stone circles and stone rows (which we have not been to on these weekends before), and a stunning waterfall. Includes meditations, drumming, chanting, dowsing, silent walking, and an evening event to experience sunset. Able walkers only please. Advance booking only (these events are usually fully-booked!). £50 for the weekend, or £25 if just one day (enquire for itineraries). See also our other Dartmoor weekends on June 7-8 and July 5-6 (different places to be visited).

21st Convention of Archaeology and Earth Mysteries

Saturday 4th October and Sunday 5th October 2025

Based at Compton Dundon (near Glastonbury) Somerset. Saturday will be a tour of Glastonbury sacred sites lead by Tor Webster. Sunday will be the conference, with five presentations. Speakers: author Graham Philips (Doggerland/Atlantis), author Geoff Stray (Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral), Jay Livingstone (Shamanism and Sacred Sites of the Norse), author Juliette Bryant (shamanic and healing properties of mushrooms), author Peter Knight (Prehistoric Shaman/Astronomers – a Personal Journey). See special page on our website for more details. Free parking, fabulous trade stalls, book-signings, large screen, on site cafe. Early-bird price only £20 (if booked before Aug 1st ), £25 after that. Contact us and book early for this popular annual event. Payment in advance only, by cheque or Paypal.

Talk: Landscapes of Memory - Walking in the Footsteps of the Ancestors

Saturday 25th October and Sunday 26th October 2025

At the Mysterious Earth Conference, Lytham St Annes, Lancs. Peter and Sue give an inspiring powerpoint presentation about their latest book of the same name. They present a blend of the latest research into megaliths, Ice Age cave art, rock art, our prehistoric ancestors and sacred landscapes. They will share about connecting with the land on a deeper level, along with their own experiences over nearly 30 years of travelling around the world researching ancient wisdom and sacred places. Their journey will take you all over the UK, as well as Ireland, Greece, Malta, Menorca, Portugal and Brittany. Do not miss hearing of the magical experiences they had and the wisdom they have been gifted at such sacred places. The talk will end with earth-healing chants and drumming. This event sees two great days speakers, and trade stands. To

Book-signing at the Origins Conference

Saturday 1st November 2025

We hope to be involved in this great conference at Pewsey, Wiltshire, featuring Hugh Newman and Andy Collins.

Talk at the Newton Abbot Pagan Moot

Wednesday 5th November 2025

More details to follow.

Online Festival of Storytelling Conference

Saturday 20th December 2025

Sue and Pete will be presenting separate and profound stories based on their work. Watch this space! Info:To