1-Megaliths/Ancient Sites /Tours Dorset Dowsers
The Dorset Dowsers - www.dorsetdowsers.co.uk. Monthly meetings near Wimborne, and field trips.
The Society of Ley Hunters - www.leyhunters.co.uk. The original, and still the best, UK ley hunting society.
The Belinus Line - www.belinusline.com. The website of Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare, telling of their amazing discoveries about the Belinus Line, Britain’s longest alignment, which is detailed in their groundbreaking book, The Spine of Albion.
Megalithomania - www.megalithomania.co.uk. Megalithomania – a major conference in Glastonbury every year. Top speakers and stalls.
The Wessex Research Group - www.wessexresearchgroup.org. A networking of many local groups, with news of their meetings.
The John Michell Network Org - www.john-michell-network.org . Website dedicated to the memory and work of earth mysteries pioneer John Michell.
Sacred Britain Tours - www.sacredbritain.com. 10-day tours to the crop circles and sacred sites of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Megalithic - www.megalithic.co.uk. Andy Burnham runs what is arguably the best website around dealing with anything megalithic. Site guides, news, chat, links, articles, the Megalithic Map, secure online shop, photo pages and downloads. Links to loads of other sites.
Sacred Sites - www.sacredsites.com. Places of Peace and Power. Extensive web site that features the photographs and writings of anthropologist Martin Gray, who visited and documented more than 1000 holy and magical places in 80 countries. This comprehensive and award winning site features bibliographies, a rich collection of maps showing global pilgrimage places, a great collection of links, and details of Martin's slide show presentations.
Places of Pilgrimage - www.pilgrimsall.org. A resource for Pilgrims. Photographs of places of Pilgrimage: megalithic sites, holy wells, black madonnas, labyrinths, pilgrim ways - ancient rites, sacred sites and shrines of every kind.
Knowth - www.knowth.com. Resource for the Irish passage tombs, such as Newgrange and Knowth.
Stonehenge-Avebury - www.stonehenge-avebury.net. The original, and still the best, UK ley hunting society.
Stone Pages - www.stonepages.com. A comprehensive listing with photos of megalithic sites across Europe.
Henge - www.henge.org.uk. A catalogue of photographs and info about ancient sites of Britain.
The Modern Antiquarian - http://www.themodernantiquarian.com. Julian Cope’s website based on the Arch Druid’s book Modern Antiquarian. Info, pics, links and chat.
Sheela-na-gig - www.sheelanagig.org. The original, and still the best, UK ley hunting society.
Hill Figures - www.hillfigures.co.uk. Devoted to the hill figures of the UK plus some geoglyphs abroad.
Irish Megaliths - www.irishmegaliths.org.uk . Excellent and comprehensive site for Irish ancient sites.
2 - Lews and Dowsing
The Dorset Dowsers - www.dorsetdowsers.co.uk. Monthly meetings near Wimborne, and field trips.
British Society of Dowsers - www.britishdowsers.org. British Society of Dowsers site, with articles and contact details of local groups.
Healthy and Wise - www.healthyandwise.co.uk. Paul Craddock’s consultancy. Dowsing, Feng Sui, geopathic stress, financial freedom, and news of South Coast Dowsers.
The Society of Ley Hunters - www.leyhunters.co.uk. The original, and still the best, UK ley hunting society.
Geomancy - www.geomancy.org. Sig Lonegren’s geomancy site, with info on earth mysteries, feng shui, ley lines and dowsing.
The Wyvern Dowsing Society - www.wyverndowsing.freeserve.co.uk. The Wyvern Dowsing Society, a local dowsing group based near Swindon, Wilts, who are affiliated to The British Society of Dowsers. They hold monthly meetings and regular field trips.
3 - Crop Circles
Crop circle Research - www.temporarytemples.co.uk. The original, and still the best, UK ley hunting society.
Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group - www.wccsg.com. Holds regular meetings and has an excellent annual Conference in Wiltshire.
4 - Paganism/Druidic/Eclectic
Stonewylde - www.stonewylde.com. The web pages of Kit Berry’s Stonewylde series of books. Signed copies direct from Kit.
Pagan Federation - www.paganfed.org . The web site of the Pagan federation.
Pentacle - www.pentaclemagazine.co.uk. The web pages of Pentacle, the UK’s largest independent Pagan magazine. Articles, reviews, links, pagan art, environmental issues.
The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. - druidry.org. The offical site of this extraordinary organization.
The Druid Network - www.druidnetwork.org. The Druid Network, headed by Emma Estall Orr.
Pagan Search - www.pagansearch.co.uk. A good internet resource site with links to many pagan web sites world wide.
5 - Shamanism
Shamanism - www.shamanism.co.uk. Leo Rutherford’s Eagles Wing shamanism pages. Events and articles.
Shamanka - www.shamanka.com. Shamanka, Holwell, near Sherborne. Shamanic empowerment for women. Tel: 01963 23468 for this year’s programme.
6 - Knights Templar
Knights Templar - www.templarmechanics.com. Tony Peart’s great site covering the sacred geometry of Knights Templar sites across Europe.
Templars - www.templars.org.uk. Official site of the modern UK Templars. Information, events, sites, etc.
Knights Templar and Grail Connections - www.vallecrucisgrail.co.uk. Ian Peglar’s website, about his excellent book on the Knights Templar and Grail connections, chiefly in North Wales.
7 - The Unexplained
Dark Dorset - www.darkdorset.co.uk. Based on the book Dark Dorset – tails of Devils, fairies, black dogs and more!
Fortean Times - www.forteantimes.com . Web site of Britain’s premier magazine for the weird and bizarre – UFO’s, ghosts and so forth.
8 - Therapists/Art/Creative
Seventh Ray Arts - www.seventhrayarts.com. Workshops in creativity, movement, meditation, sacred space and land/tree connection plus handmade cards, sacred landscape photography, readings, reiki and art.
Sue Wallace- www.holistic-wiltshire.co.uk. Shiatsu and Reiki therapist in Wiltshire area. Can travel. Fully qualified.
Healthy and Wise - www.healthyandwise.co.uk. Paul Craddock’s consultancy. Dowsing, Feng Sui, geopathic stress, financial freedom, and news of South Coast Dowsers.
9 - Products/Centres/Shops/Fayres
The Henge Shop - www.hengeshop.com. The Henge Shop, Avebury, Wiltshire. The best shop to visit at Avebury. Tel: 01672 539229. Stockist of Peter’s books.
Pilgrims Mind Body Spirit - www.pilgrimsmindbodyspirit.co.uk. Based in Gloucester. Books, audios, incense, healing crystals, tarot cards, everything from Alchemy to Zen with on-line secure ordering, plus News, Views, Reviews, Message Board and New Age Link Directory.
The Ageing Hippy - www.ageing-hippy.co.uk . Adrian The Ageing Hippy. Peace, love and good karma! Loads of really good stuff for all us old flower-children, drop-outs, long-hairs, tree-huggers and hobbit-lovers...
Incense Man - www.incense-man.co.uk. Choose from a great range of incense - all your favourites, plus superb gift-sets, accessories, tie-dyes, crystals and more. Easy secure online ordering.
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